1.It is notified to all the student and their parents that the students should attend the school regularly and punctually without being absent unless unavoidable circumstances arrive.
2.It is must for all the students that they attend the prayer assembly in time and take part actively and initiatively.
Purpils will not be granted leave unless a written request from parents or approved guardians is recived in advance.
3.If the leave is due to illness. Parents should certify this in the school diary.
If a pupil is absent for more than a week due to illness the parents should inform the principal at once.
Absence without leave during examination and at the reopening of the school after holidays should receive punishment as it is regarded as a punishable offence by the school authority.
4.In case of illness, a medical certificate from a registered medical practitioner must be submitted.
5.Evaluation of a year’s work will be based on class tests/half yearly/ annual examinations. Parent/Guardians are therefore earnestly requested to enforce regularity and discipline on their ward/ wards and see that they prepare their daily lessons regularly
6.In order to keep in constant touch with the progress of their wards.
Parent/Guardians must sign the school diary of their wards, regularly so that the student concerned may not become a striker without supervision of the Parent/Guardians.
7.The School will not be responsible for the loss of books and other articles and valuable things.
8.The decision of the school authorities in the matter of promotion is final